Lesson #1 - If you take a million pictures, you should get one really nice one, if only by blind chance.
Luckily for me, this is the digital age. If I had to deal with film, I would be completely bankrupt and/or need a separate storage room just for the film canisters. The first picture below is the daughter of one of my good friends, Mama P. Under her is the daughter of the great and mighty Mej, doing her best Cindy Lou Who impersonation. Of the forty-two pictures I took that night, these are the only ones that actually looked as though I used a nice camera. I think it might have been because their cuteness levels were so high, the camera, unable to withstand, was forced into a faithful rendering.
Lesson #2 - Black and white makes you look like you know what you're doing.
I don't know what it is about b&w photos, but they add a certain quality that really makes you look like a better photographer than you actually are. See exhibits A and B below.
So what is the take-home lesson in all this? Shoot adorable children in black & white. I know its a bit limited, but if you want good photographs, that's all I know so far...
ok, with all biases aside, i have to say that the picture of Belle is stunning. What a moment that was! You definitely got that one right. She says a lot things with that look, but to me she's saying, "life sure aint easy, but i'm gonna make it." Nice work, and yes, black and white's sure do make things look official.
ahhhh...Belle. she had a rough night. I didn't know till know that you had posted that pic. thanks. i agree with all your photography comments. Similar to chris nordyke's myspace quote something like buy a really camera and still not get great pics. I still feel that way. It seems to take a while to learn how to use them properly. I'm right there with you, a hundred pictures for one good one.
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