The other afternoon I looked down and the battery was at 82%. My first thought?
"Awesome! I've been really productive today!"

My iPhone battery readout can now act as a productivity meter.
Almost directly.
Too much time on Words With Friends or perusing the Interwebs and not only does my battery life drop like a well-oiled cannonball, but so does my ability to check off those super important "To Do" boxes.
"Let's see...54% battery at lunch time? I've wasted half my day today! Whip crackin' time!"
"2pm and my iPhone is at 91%!! (in the words of my consultant husband) I'm practically at Full Utilization!"
I'm not sure how I feel about this. We have a TV in our bedroom and upstairs in our Family Room (where I rarely go during the day) and no cable. This is on purpose. With no TV in our common areas, I accomplish much more. Now I've invited a pocket-sized So-Much-More-Than-A-TV into my life. One I can carry with me EVERYWHERE. It's up to sheer willpower now. There's no Removing The Temptor.